4 Steps to manage your neurodivergent childs BIG emotions

So you’re here because you know that familiar feeling of “They’re gonna blow!”, and you’re not always sure of how to deal with it and stop it escalating.


You child is sensitive & anxious & you're not sure how to help them. 

The approach I use is gentle, respectful and will help you show your child you care and understand them. If you love positive parenting approaches, you are in the perfect place!

You want to be able to feel, “I’ve got this!”, I know what to do. So you not only feel confident but have a more peaceful home life.

Join 4 Steps to manage your neurodivergent child Big Emotions today or if you want some individualised support the managing Emotions bundle is ideal for you.

Check out some parents results

7 Modules


Welcome to 4 steps to help your child manage their Big Emotions! 

This is a powerful process that helps you reduce anxiety, tantrums, meltdowns or overwhelm.

During this support series you will learn how to de-escalate your childrens upset.

It's designed to be done in bitesize pieces of about 10mins a day, when it's convenient for you.

How to get the most out of this:

  • Watch each video in order
  • Use the skills with your child, partner or the children you work with
  • Share in the Facebook group as you go to help you keep going 
  • If you have purchased the Managing emotions bundle, book your first 1:1 session now, it will help give you a deadline for getting the first couple of sessions completed. https://calendly.com/sparkescoaching/30-minute-laserfocuscall
  • Lastly you can download your workbook found in the file section on this page.

You can do this in a 10 mins a day, so get started today!

Remember Your log in, username & password are both your email until you change it. 

I can't wait to see what changes you get from this.

Before you get started - what’s your goal

Click on the lesson to see the video which will guide you to getting clear on your goal or intention for this  course. 

Step 1- Caring connection

In today's session I introduce the skill that is the foundation of acknowledging feelings. This is how we build up a loving and caring connection, so the other person feels listened to and heard.

Step 2- Finding the feeling

It’s Step 2 and you’re still here progressing, brilliant! 🎉

In step 1 you learnt about the foundation that has to happen before you move onto using any of the other skills.

One of the main ways we add fuel to the fire is we miss out this first vital step!🔥

If you haven’t done Step 1, make sure you go back and do it!

Watch the video for Step 2 to stop adding fuel to the fire, and build that caring connection.

(It’s only 5mins long!)

Step 3- Wonderful Wishes

Wonderful Wishes 🌟

It’s Step 3 which brings a really fun skill, which helps us stop adding fuel to the fire & helps you move things on in a creative way.

Watch the video session & use your workbook to write down your progress.

Step 4- Four Magic Words

Four Magic Words

It’s Step 4, congratulations on still being here. 🙌 Many people won’t get this far, but you are one of those people who finish what they start, which provides a great model for your children! 💖

There are 4 words that work like magic to help our children feel better and move on when they are ready.

This is so simple yet effective! And I use it all the time. You’re going to love this bit!

Modules for this product 7
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 Early Bird for first 10 people
 £ 33.00 GBP
 Managing Emotions Bundle- Includes Two 30min 1:1 Implementation calls!
 £ 97.00 GBP
 Managing Emotions Bundle Two instalments - Includes Two 30min 1:1 Implementation calls!
 £ 50.00 GBP  ( then £50.00 GBP for 1 months )
 4 steps Full Investment
 £ 55.00 GBP
 4 Steps Two instalments
 £ 27.50 GBP  ( then £27.50 GBP for 1 months )

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No payment method needed.

By purchasing this product I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy detailed below.

The purchase cost is non refundable. I understand that any instalment plan is for the number of payments detailed. 

You will have  access for the lifetime of the product, from the date of purchase. We recommend you go through the content systematically and review the modules to embed your learning.

No results are guaranteed, all examples of participants are for your information but do not constitute a guarantee.

I understand that Live session recordings & will be available to all product purchasers.

You agree to treating participants stories & experiences as confidential.

Content is not to be shared with anyone else without prior permission from Sarah Parkes. If you are found to be sharing the content you will be removed from membervault.

By purchasing this course you agree not to copy or reproduce any of the content.

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