Check out the video for a description of how to use this resource:
These skills will help parents go from struggling with day to day battles to restoring calm and joy in your parenting.
Professionals, organisations & schools can use this resource to help you as a parent or the parents & professionals you support. Make sure you book your planning call to help you get the best out of this resource.
Here's a copy of the workbook
In this session you will learn how to praise your child in a way that encourages them to praise themselves.
It boosts self esteem & helps them to be more intrinsically motivated rather that seeking approval from outside of themselves.
They build confidence in who they are & their capabilities.
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The purchase cost is non refundable. I understand that the instalment plan is for a 6 month period after which I will have access for the lifetime of the product. I understand that I loose my access should I stop paying my plan before the 6 months is complete.
Those who have paid in full will have access for the lifetime of the product, from the date of purchase. We recommend you go through the content systematically and review the modules to embed your learning.
No results are guaranteed, all examples of participants are for your information but do not constitute a guarantee.
Live session recordings will be available to all product purchasers & you purchase this product on this understanding.
Content is not to be shared with anyone else without prior permission from Sarah Parkes. If you are found to be sharing the content you will be removed from membervault.
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