Learn simple daily energy practices in 10 mins a day, to help you reduce tiredness and feel more vibrant.
Perfect for busy parents who want more energy to get through each day, without loosing your sh*t!
You get
Choose the VIP option and get an additional 60 minute visioning and planning session, giving you clarity on your next steps.
Participant experiences ...
Congratulations on joining Reclaim: Your Vibrancy, You can get started straight away!
10 min daily energy practices to help you reduce tiredness and feel more vibrant. You can do these in your own time, it might help you to set a reminder.
Make sure you celebrate when you complete them!
You get
If you chose the VIP option, you get a 60 minute visioning and planning session, giving you clarity on your next steps. Email info@spcoaching.co.uk to book yours.
Each day you'll get a 10 minute practice to follow.
Do the practice & share how it goes in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489909715257390/
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You will have access for the lifetime of the product, from the date of purchase. We recommend you go through the content systematically and review the modules to embed your learning.
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